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Senate Vote On Gun Control news abridgment news
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'Spirit of History': House Democrats Hold Sit-In on Gun Control
A Sit-In on the House Floor Over Gun Control
House Democrats Staging Sit-In to Force Gun Control Vote; Republicans Switch Off C-Span Cameras
House Democrats stage sit-in protest to demand vote on gun control
Fox News
Los Angeles Times
A Bipartisan Gun-Control Bill Could Actually Pass the Senate This Week
Senate Votes Down Four Gun Control Measures After Fiery Debate
See How Your Senators Voted on 4 Gun Control Amendments
The Senate voted on 4 popular gun control proposals Monday. Here's why none of them passed.
Morning Consult
Chicago Tribune
4 Gun Control Measures Fail: How Colorado's Senators Voted
Gun control supporters express familiar frustration after Senate vote
How Illinois senators voted on gun control measures
How Would California's Next Senator Vote on Gun Control?
How North Carolina's senators voted on post-Orlando gun control ideas
Your Senators and Their Gun Control Votes: Coats and Donnelly Agree, Disagree
Gun control group dials up pressure on Ayotte ahead of Senate votes
Senate votes down 4 gun control measures
NRA head says gun control a distraction as Senate vote looms
Senate Votes Down Four Gun Control Measures After Fiery Debate ...
Senate votes down gun control proposals in wake of Orlando ...
Meet the 45 Senators Who Blocked Background Checks | Mother ...
Senate rejects series of gun measures -
Senate Rejects 4 Measures to Control Gun Sales - The New York ...
Who voted against gun control? Joe and Mika read their names ...
Senate Rejects 4 Gun Proposals Inspired By Orlando Attack : NPR
Senate set to vote on 4 gun control measures, none expected to pass
Gun measures fail in Senate - POLITICO
Senate blocks gun measures offered in wake of Orlando shooting
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Senate Vote On Gun Control news abridgment news