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presidential debate news abridgment news
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Donald Trump could 'pull a Reagan' at presidential debate
Live at 8 pm ET: The first presidential debate — er, forum Glenn Reacts to Levin's Decision on Trump
When are the 2016 Presidential debates on TV? Are they streaming?
Presidential debate moderators set, with Lester Holt up first
Presidential debate moderators announced
The Presidential Debate Moderators Were Expertly Chosen
Washington Post
MITT: I want to see Gary Johnson in the presidential debates
Romney calls for Libertarians to be included in presidential debates
Gary Johnson Poll Numbers: Can Libertarian Make Presidential Debate Stage?
Libertarian Ticket Buys TV Time In Northwest To Boost Presidential Debate Prospects
Common Dreams (press release)
Will Presidential Debate Moderators Really Not Challenge Lies?
Fox News' Presidential Debate Moderator Says He'll Let Candidates Lie
Wallace Won't Play 'Truth Squad' When He Moderates Presidential Debate
Fox's Chris Wallace: “It's Not My Role” As A Presidential Debate Moderator To Be A “Truth Squad”
Breitbart News
The Inquisitr
Trump ends speculation, will participate in presidential debates against Clinton
Trump agrees to participate in all three presidential debates
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at the Presidential Forum: Analysis
The Commission on Presidential Debates, Is It Really 'Nonpartisan'?
The Crow's Nest
Breitbart News
Presidential and Vice-Presidential Debate Coverage
Moderators Make the Presidential Debates Too Much Like Talk Shows
Presidential and vice presidential debate schedule
Presidential debate moderators are chosen
POLITICO's must-read briefing on what's driving the day in Washington
CBS News' Elaine Quijano to moderate vice presidential debate ...
These Journalists Will Moderate The Presidential Debates | WCBM ...
2016 Presidential Debate Schedule – 2016 Election Central
CPD: Commission on Presidential Debates Announces Format for ...
2016 general election debate schedule
United States presidential election debates - Wikipedia, the free ...
Donald Trump and RNC attack presidential debate schedule - Jul ...
Presidential Debates - The New York Times
Is Donald Trump Planning to Skip the Presidential Debates? - The ...
General election presidential debate dates and venues announced ...
Presidential debate moderators announced: Holt, Cooper, Raddatz ...
Gary Johnson Poll Numbers: Can Libertarian Make Presidential ...
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