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Hanukkah news abridgment news
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The Real History Of Hanukkah Is More Complicated Than You Thought
Why are there so few Hanukkah movies?
8 things to know about Hanukkah
When Was the Last Time Hanukkah Started on Christmas? When Will it Happen Again?
LA Daily News
Slate Magazine (blog)
Interfaith families mix Christmas, Hanukkah traditions this year
Christmas Eve and Hanukkah: An Amazing Convergence
Moldo: History of Hanukkah can provide us with lessons
Hanukkah Lights 2016
Prison rule prevents inmates from celebrating Hanukkah
Rabbi: Prison Rule Prevents Michigan Inmates From Celebrating Hanukkah
Rabbis upset over prison restrictions on Hanukkah
Public invited to Hanukkah celebration
Fairfield Daily Republic
The Daily Courier (subscription)
Hanukkah: Everything you need to know about playing dreidel
Traditions overlap as Christmas, Hanukkah share dates this year
Cross Lanes interfaith couple celebrates Hanukkah, Christmas
The Learning Network|Questions for: 'From Yamaclaus to Menorah Bong: Hanukkah Goods That Can Hold a Candle'
Holiday rush kicks off ahead of Christmas, Hanukkah weekend celebrations
Hanukkah begins early with candle lighting at Colorado Springs temple
Chance for unity: Hanukkah, Christmas Eve converge
Hanukkah - Wikipedia
When Is Hanukkah (Chanukah) Celebrated in 2016, 2017, 2018 ...
Hanukkah - Holidays -
What Is Hanukkah? - Chanukah Basics - Chanukah - Hanukkah
Judaism 101: Chanukkah
Hanukkah - Chanukah 2016 - Menorah, Dreidels, Latkes, Recipes ...
Hanukkah |
Hanukkah - My Jewish Learning
Hanukkah: Customs and Rituals |
What Is Hanukkah? - About Chanukkah
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