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Covfefe Trump news abridgment news
on internet
No, 'Covfefe' Was Not Trump Speaking Arabic
Covfefe: When a typo goes viral
'Covfefe': Trump spokesman plays down odd tweet
OnPolitics Today: Trump likely to withdraw from Paris climate covfefe
Washington Post
The Boston Globe
Sean Spicer says 'covfefe' wasn't a typo: Trump knew 'exactly what he meant'
Spicer refuses to say Trump's 'covfefe' tweet was a typo
Sean Spicer addresses 'covfefe' kerfuffle: Trump 'and a small group of people know exactly what he meant'
Spicer offers cryptic explanation for Trump 'covfefe' tweet
Less Tweeting, Lawyers Beg. 'Covfefe,' the President Says.
DC Roundup: Trump Tweets, Contentious Press Briefings, Senate Hearings
Clinton taunts Trump: 'People in covfefe houses shouldn't throw covfefe'
Hillary Clinton Fires Back at Trump With 'Covfefe' Joke; Best Reactions to His Tweet
Hillary Clinton Throws Covfefe at Trump After He Calls Her 'Crooked Hillary' Again
Hillary Clinton Goes Tweet-to-Tweet with President Trump Over 'Covfefe'
The Hill (blog)
Washington Post
The Root
Trump 'Covfefe' Tweet More Searched Than Paris Climate Agreement
Social media goes crazy over Trump's 'covfefe' tweet
Trump's tweeted typo covfefe becoming vanity license plates
Putin defends Trump decision to withdraw from Paris
Donald Trump's 'Covfefe' Will Be Undefined for Merriam-Webster
The dark magic of Trump's covfefe typo
Samantha Bee: Donald Trump Played “The Idiot Abroad” And Brought Back “Covfefe”
Samantha Bee Knows The Real Story Behind Trump's 'Covfefe' Tweet
Late-night hosts on 'covfefe' tweet: 'Trump really does have the best words'
Samantha Bee Reveals The 'Real' Reason Why Donald Trump Tweeted 'Covfefe'
Trump misspells press 'covfefe.' Twitter takes notice, and the president weighs in
On Memorial Day, Trump honors Gold Star families at Arlington Cemetery
President Trump gives Memorial Day Address at Arlington National Cemetery | Fox News
Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery Offers Tragic Testimony to America's Most Recent Wars
New York Times
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Trump Fans, Foiled by Google Translate, Believe 'Covfefe' Was a Secret Arabic Message
What's a 'Covfefe'? Trump Tweet Unites a Bewildered Nation - The ...
"Covfefe" tells you all you need to know about Donald Trump ...
'Covfefe': Trump invents new word and melts internet - BBC News
Covfefe kerfuffle: Trump's fancy keyboard antics couldn't have come ...
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Who can figure out the true meaning of ...
Covfefe? Donald Trump posts vague, midnight tweet about 'negative ...
Trump's 'covfefe' tweet leaves Internet guessing | Reuters
Trump tweets 'covfefe,' causes Twitter frenzy | Fox News
Donald Trump Tweeted "Covfefe" And People Are Very Confused
Sean Spicer on covfefe: Donald Trump knew 'exactly what he meant'
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Covfefe Trump news abridgment news