Are you trying to evolve your Eevee into Vaporeon in Pokémon Go? Think about beer - OregonLive.comOregonLive.comAre you trying to evolve your Eevee into Vaporeon in Pokémon Go? Think about beerOregonLive.comBack then, players received one Eevee in either "Pokémon Red" or "Blue" and would have to choose whether to evolve it into Water-type Vaporeon, Electric-type Jolteon or Fire-type Flareon. The GameBoy games made the process simple. Just expose your ...Vaporeon Appearance Sparks Pokemon Go Stampede in Central ParkComicbook.comPokemon GO: This Eevee Evolution Trick Gets the Jolteon, Vaporeon, or Flareon You WantTwinfinite'Pokémon Go' Tip: Does This Eevee Evolution Trick Really Work? How To Guarantee Vaporeon, Jolteon Or FlareoniDigitalTimes.comDigital Spy -Gamepurall 35 news articles »